CCR For My Body Armor Commercial

So what did you think about my first project? Although this project was fairly simple, creating my commercial was a journey. But I am glad to say I came out more educated than I came in. 

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

In my project, I used and challenged the conventions of a sports drink commercial. When I conducted my research I found that these types of commercials usually show actors exercising or playing sports. They were also outside or training inside a facility throughout the commercial. Finally, they used close-up shots of the actors to add to the intensity of it. I made sure to incorporate these conventions into my commercial by filming my brother exercising outside and occasionally using close-up shots. For this reason, I was able to bring the high energy I needed into my commercial. I challenged the conventions by not including a voiceover in my commercial and a variety of sports scenes. Instead of including a voiceover, I chose to use background music throughout the video. I found that when I went to record my voiceover, I could not talk fast enough to include all the information I wanted. So, I chose to do without the voiceover to prevent my commercial from becoming too unprofessional. In terms of a variety of sports scenes, I challenged this convention by only utilizing two types of sports. After reviewing my commercial, I realized I could have used more than two sports in a way that would have flowed. When I was researching and planning, I thought that I could not do so. 

2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

By having my brother act in my commercial, I aimed to reach and represent a younger audience. Often in sports drink commercials, you see famous football players or basketball players. You rarely see a commercial with aspiring teen athletes. With this in mind, I would distribute my commercial as real media on child based television networks. Some examples of these networks would be Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. I would also distribute it on social media networks like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. By using these networks, my commercial would effectively be able to reach a wide range of children

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

Now, let's talk about how my production skills have developed a good amount from this project. Before this project, I never knew about the process of storyboarding. Storyboarding allowed me to see the plans for my commercial clearly and prevented problems when it came to filming. Storyboarding was like a blueprint and I could not have produced my commercial without it. As a result, my filming skills advanced as well and I was able to remain steady and capture everything I needed. Lastly, my editing skills have grown along with my filming skills. With my newly acquired skills and software, I was able to minimize the choppiness of my commercial and make it look more professional. 

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

To make my commercial, I recorded on my brother's phone to ensure I wouldn't run into any storage issues. After filming, I sent all the videos to my phone and began editing. I began editing on my phone using the app Videoleap since it was easier for me. After I completed all the major editing, I exported my commercial onto my computer. Then I uploaded the video onto my YouTube and after that, I uploaded it onto my blog. Through this project, I learned a lot and I can't wait for you to see my progress. I'll see you on my next project!


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