Editing Blog: Decisions & Revisions

Just as I thought, editing my commercial was one of my favorite aspects of this project. Although I am not the best at editing, I think I did well this time around. Editing my commercial was not that difficult for me. Before I filmed my shots, I thought about how I would edit them together. This not only made the editing process smoother, but it made filming easier. I edited the commercial on my phone and later exported it onto my laptop for minor editing. As much as I would like to say I didn't run into any problems while editing, that would not be the truth. One of the issues I had while editing, was cutting my commercial down so that it would 30 seconds long. When I first dumped all of my footage into the software the duration was about 48 seconds long. I began to worry about how I would cut down 18 seconds of content that I had filmed. After thorough decision-making, I decided to cut out the shots that I felt were not intense enough, and the ones that did not flow that well. For example, I cut out a scene where my brother was doing pushups because the placement of it anywhere in the commercial was just awkward. By doing this with many other shots, I was able to make my commercial 30 seconds long which I was very happy about. That happiness was short-lived when I realized the background music I had selected no longer went with my commercial. The first song I had picked, by the recommendation of my father, was Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne. This song is very intense and famous for getting people excited about football or any sport in general. But when I inserted the music over my commercial, it did not go with it at all. That is when I had to briefly go back to the drawing board and pick another song. My father and I finally decided on the song Hard Work by the U.S. Army Airborne Rangers. The song not only complimented my commercial, but it emphasized the emotion I was trying to portray. I also had a few problems here and there when it came to transitioning between clips and ensuring they lined up properly. I had trouble transitioning between the scene where he is playing football to the scene where he is playing basketball. But this problem was quickly resolved as I got more creative with my editing. 

Overall, I had a great experience editing my commercial. I am satisfied with how it came out. I can't wait to show you the final product! Unfortunately, that won't be today but please stay excited about my commercial. I'll see you next time. 


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