Genre Research: Comedy & Drama

In continuation with my research on genres, I decided to research comedy and drama. Some of my most favorite movies fall under these genres so I was very excited to educate myself further on them. My goal to learn more about the conventions which commonly occur throughout the genres remained the same from the previous research I did on action films. To begin, I started out with comedy and found that this was the genre where high-key lighting is widespread. High-key lighting increases the brightness within a scene which is beneficial to comedies because it helps maintain an upbeat mood to go along with the humor that is already there. Another element that is important in comedic films is sound. From dietetic to ambient sound, this aspect of this genre can make or break the film. Sound can be very important in terms of adding humor to a movie. Some of the sounds used are the sound motif, ambient, diegetic, and non-diegetic sound. The last feature of significance that I will mention from my PowerPoint is the editing style. In comedic films it is important that the editing is spot on so that no jokes are cut out, the audience understands the joke, and so that it flows smoothly. Common types of editing styles include cross-cutting, eyeline match, insert, and more. 

The next genre I decided to research was drama. The lighting in this genre was similar to the type in comedy films. Both of them use high-key, lowkey, and three-point lighting to set the visual mood for a shot. The camera movements are also important as they bring the scenes to life which is necessary for a drama movie. The ones that I found are most commonly used are dolly, crane, tilt, pan, and zoom. Just like comedic films, the sound also holds a great amount of significance in this genre as well. The sound used in drama films is important for the impact the movie will have on the audience. Sound also adds to the overall storytelling throughout the movie. The sound in a film can make scenes more emotional and believable. Examples of these types of sounds are dialogue, incidental music, and of course diegetic and non-diegetic sound. The last aspect I will briefly cover from my second PowerPoint is the elements of drama films which I enjoy the most. The elements which appeal to me are the real-life scenarios and internal conflicts. I find it interesting to see the real-life struggles of people played out in a movie. It is not only interesting, but it can be eye-opening for people who may not experience those things. To add to this, I enjoy the internal conflicts and plot twists within the films. Internal conflicts bring more depth to the characters making and make them more relatable.

Researching genres was a lot of fun for me and I am so glad that I was able to learn so much about the conventions in them! This made me more excited to make a decision on the genre I will choose for the final task and I am walking in with more knowledge than I came in with which is really nice. See you next time! 


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