Genre Research: Us
Us is an American horror-thriller film that was created in 2019. It was written and directed by Jordan Peele who is known for his other film Get Out which came out two years prior. Us is about a family who went on a beach vacation at the home where the mother grew up. The mother is haunted by her traumatic experience and worries that something bad is going to happen. This becomes reality with the appearance of the family's doppelgangers who terrorize them.
1. What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
The element that Us had that I would like to incorporate in my final task is the intensity of the suspense. The movie starts out with a clip of the younger version of the mother seeing her doppelganger and then cuts to the present day where the family is seen in normalcy. I feel like this elicited a lot of anticipation from the audience even though the movie had only just begun. This was a great quality to have since the main goal for a thriller is to keep the audience excited, engaged, and wanting to know more. I also noticed how the movie encourages the audience to try and think and figure out things for themselves rather than just giving answers. The writer did a great job of including the information we need to know to understand the storyline but it leaves enough out so that the audience can come up with their own theories and life lessons. I found this element really unique and would like to include it in my final task.
2. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?
The elements which I liked in the movie were the dark vibes and plot twits. Although I don't particularly like scary movies, I enjoyed the eerie vibe that was given off throughout the film. The darker lighting within the film also added to the overall sinister mood. I also found the plot twist to be very interesting because it changed the perspective of the whole movie. In the end, we find out that the mother's doppelganger had kidnapped her as a child, started a family, and lived out her life above ground. This brought more intricacy to the plot and relayed many different messages to be interpreted by the audience.
3. What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?
There was close to nothing about the elements in the movie that did not appeal to me. But, since I do not enjoy the horror aspect which can be included in thrillers, the goriness in Us did not appeal to me. There were things like jump scares, stabbing, a lot of blood, and more suggestive violence in the movie. However, the goriness and violent aspect were inevitable throughout the film to express and incite thrill.
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